Date: 2019-12-16
This battle is not a “local” battle, instead, we are connected with UNICE to hear their discussion, make questions and in the end vote for the best team.
The topic has already been faced during our “local” battles and it is about smart cities versus smart villages.
- Accessibility
- Villages rarely have more that one medical facility. They have harder access to it
- Villages have insufficient services
- Villages’ healthcare systems are fragile due to financial hardship and lack of resources
- This can be solved through telemedicine. Decentralization of care
- Cities have more options for business
- In cities it easier to bring new ideas to market
- the infrastructure is already there
- it’s easier to do marketing
- unstoppable need for jobs which require manpower
- It is not a problem in cities. Singapore is an example of one of the denser populated cities and it’s also one of the more liveable
- Vertical city
- Green areas
- Multidimensional transportation not limited to the ground but also air and other means
- Division of runway, access within minutes to intra-city, inter-city, cross-country and cross-continent traveling
- Everything in one place with easy access
- You are close to other cultures and a variety of different things to do
- Police and emergency staff can be faster in a city
- There can be sensors everywhere that counteract everything immediately and allow for a great fast response from police forces.
- Do we still need good universities?
- Do we actually need to be in a physical place in order to get the top results?
- There are a lot of online resources and courses to be attended online
- There is no more the problem of commuting and find a house
- Less traffic
- No need to move if the goods are shipped to you
- You can buy from nearby stores
- Let the machines drive buses for us
- Decentralized system for healthcare is better
- less waiting time
- diseases spread minimized
- Remote surgery machines that allow for surgeons to operate everywhere in the world
- Jobs are changing, not going away after AIs become super powerful
- New jobs
cyber offense analyst, digital currency advisor and haptic interface designer
- Decentralized remote workforces
- More flexibility
- AI to improve the management of trash, energy, privacy
- No parking problem
- Price per square meter is lower
- Closer to nature
- Apartment are crowded noisy
- A private house has a lot of leisure
- In a city, there are always new neighbors, while in the village you have old friends are long term relations
- In cities you move from room to room in shops, bars, clubs; in a village, you can organize open-air events