
Innovation Skills

Date: 2019-10-09

Table of Contents

Why skills? 📹0:00

There’s no simple bucket to put these skills, there are different broad ranges we can consider. Skills take all sorts of things and a simple one.


Skill listing and grouping

Skill work 📹16:10

Form a group and organize yourself to be able to choose a skill and to present it

The presented topics were:

Taking the Initiative 📹16:10
Financial & Economic Literacy 📹21:22
Creativity 📹26:12
Motivation & Perseverance 📹31:16
Ethics & Social Responsibility 📹34:21
Working with Others 📹36:59
Learning through Experience 📹42:02

Summary 📹47:07

Skills are beyond entrepreneurship because they have application in many fields, even in daily life.